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Explosive and safety characteristics of a test sample of a domestic safety emulsion explosive of class IV


А.V.Kurlyak1*, V.V.Sobolev2

1State Enterprise “Research and Production Association “Pavlohrad Chemical Plant”, Zavodskaya street, 44, Pavlograd, Dnipropetrovsk region, Pavlohrad 51400, Ukraine

2Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Dnipro University of Technology, 19 Yavornitsky, Dnipro, Ukraine

*Corresponding author: e-mail: anton.kurlyak@yandex.ru


Physical and technical problems of mining production, 2020, (22), 185-196.



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Objective is to study explosive and safety properties of the samples of domestic safety emulsion explosive of class IV.

Research methods. To determine explosive characteristics of the sticked emulsion substances, laboratory methods developed at the State Enterprise “Research and Production Association “Pavlohrad Chemical Plant” (SE “RPA “PCP”) are applied. Detonation velocity of the charges of the emulsion explosives was defined involving the “Voodmate” device. Safety properties of the test samples of the emulsion explosives were analyzed in the experiment mine roadway. 

Findings. The developed composition of the domestic safety emulsion explosive has been tested in terms of the specification of both explosive and safety properties.

Test results have made it possible to define that the explosive characteristics of the tested safety emulsion explosives (SEE) are not to be inferior than the trotyl-containing safety explosives of class IV. The tests of safety properties carried out in the mine roadway have demonstrated that the SEE test samples belong to class IV.

Originality. Explosive and safety characteristics of the samples of domestic safety emulsion explosives developed at the SE “RPA “PCP” have been identified. The safety emulsion explosives preserve the explosive and safety properties not to be inferior than the trotyl-containing analogues in terms of the non-available toxic component.

Practical implications. The manufactured samples of the safety emulsion explosives were tested to define their explosive and safety characteristics. The obtained results concerning the manufacturing of the samples of the safety emulsion explosives may be used for further production of domestic admissible emulsion explosives of class IV.

Key words: safety properties, emulsion explosives, ignition quality, experiment mine roadway, detonation velocity. 




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3. Kurlyak, A.V., Sobolev, V.V., Ustimenko, E.B., & Balakin, O.A. (2018) Predohranitelnyie emulsionnyie vzryivchatyie veschestva. Otsenka retsepturnyih faktorov vliyaniya na svoystva. Sbornik nauchnyih trudov natsionalnogo gornogo universiteta, (56), 42-49.

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5. Dubnov, L.V. (1953). Predohranitelnyie vzryivchatyie veschestva v gornoy promyishlennosti. M. L., Ugletehizdat, 149.

6. Petrov, E.A., Kushnerov, P.I., & Buhanov, V.I. (2008). Analiz novyih razrabotok i ispyi-taniy predohranitelnyih vzryivchatyih veschestv dlya ugolnyih shaht, opasnyih po gazu i (ili) ugolnoy pyili. Vestnik Nauchnogo tsentra po bezopasnosti rabot v ugolnoy promyishlennosti, Izd-vo OOO "VostEko", 123–133.



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