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Effect of water saturation of coal samples with a central hole for their elasticity module under axle compression along the axis axle


Mineev S.P.1*, Usov O.A.1, Poliakov Yu. E.1, Bodnar A.A.2, Ukolova T. M. 1

1Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poljakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 49005, Dnipro, Simferopolska Str., 2a, Ukraine, 

2PJSC “DonetsksteelIrond and steel works” Pokrovsk, st. Shakhtarov, 1 Ukraine


*Corresponding author: e-mail: sergmineev@gmail.com


Physical and technical problems of mining production, 2020, (22), 19-30.



full text (pdf)




Goal. Optimization of hydraulic loosening technology to reduce the outburst hazard of coal seams at great depths by using the effect of their deformation unloading. The research objectives are to obtain on modern equipment deformation curves during water saturation of coal samples according to a scheme similar to the natural conditions - through a hole drilled in the center of the sample and assess the effect of moisture on the elastic modulus and the degree of unloading of the formation from rock pressure.

Methodology. Comparison of experimental deformation curves of uniaxial compression of a coal sample with a central hole at various values of its moisture content. The moisture content of the sample was changed by injecting water into the central hole of the sample.

Results. The deformation curve has the form of a one-term power dependence. This dependence has a concave character and differs markedly from Hooke's law. With the same deformation, an increase in humidity by 2% reduces stress - by 3.2 times, and the elastic modulus decreases by 2.5 times. These data may become some basis for refining the parameters of the forecast of outburst hazard during mining operations.

Scientific novelty. It was found for the first time that a change in the moisture content of a sample changes the curvature of its deformation curve. An increase in humidity increases the concavity of the deformation curve - the greatest increase in deformation is observed at low stresses.

Practical significance. The results obtained will reduce the requirements for the hydraulic treatment pressure of outburst coal seams during preparatory workings at great depths. Due to this, the cost and mass-dimensional characteristics of high pressure pumps are reduced and the productivity of tunneling works is increased.

Keywords: deformation curve, stress, humidity, compliance




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