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Merzlikin Artem1*

1Donetsk National Technical University, Pokrovsk, Donetsk region, Ukraine

*Corresponding author: e-mail: artem.merzlikin@donntu.edu.ua


Physical and technical problems of mining production, 2021, (23), 216-228.



full text (pdf)




Purpose. Development of methods for monitoring the dynamics of coal production from treatment pits on the basis of analysis of their work on the distribution of daily and monthly coal production. The tasks of the research are the analysis of histograms of distribution and establishment of quantitative connection between the indicator of rhythm of lava and the degree of its controllability.

Method. Statistical analysis of daily production from complex mechanized treatment pits is performed. It is proved that stable values of the first initial, as well as the second and third central statistical moments are provided under the condition of using a sliding window lasting 16-18 days.

Findings. A significant statistical relationship was found between the duration of continuous daily growth of the coefficient of variation of production and its subsequent steady decline. It is shown that a continuous increase in the coefficient of variation of production for 5-6 days is dangerous (critical) and leads to a decrease in the level of controllability of the treatment face. It was found that the lava responds to a critical level of fluctuation of production with a delay of 6 days.

Scientific novelty. For the first time it was established that the histograms of variation of stable production from controlled bottomholes are asymmetric and shifted towards the planned load, and in weakly controlled ones - symmetric, and the amplitude of variation of production from bottomholes is exponentially dependent on its value, which increases reliability. results of quantitative forecast of risks of loss of rhythm of the main and auxiliary processes of coal mining.

Practical implications. A method of monitoring the dynamics of production is proposed, which provides a timely response to the negative trend of controllability of the treatment face. The application of such a technique allows you to quickly take measures to stabilize or improve the controllability of the lava and, as a consequence, to ensure a sustainable level of production.

Keywords: variation of mining, controllability, stable work, distribution histogram




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