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Î.Ì. Ashcheulova1*, L.Ya. Fomichova1, Î.R. Mamaikin1, V.Ì. Pochepov1, V.V. Lapko1


1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

*Corresponding author: e-mail: alex.mamaikin80@gmail.com


Physical and technical problems of mining production, 2021, (23), 229-246.



full text (pdf)




Objective is to propose a new approach to investment allocation in the group of coal-mining enterprises.

Methods. To solve the specified objective, a complex approach has been applied including assessment of enterprise investment attractiveness, determination of production potential, and definition of the possibility to switch to a break-even mode. The process of planning the ways to save industrial potential of coal-mining regions may be considered as the representation of multidimensional space (initial and design values) in terms of the one-dimensional (amount of investment money) one.

Findings. It has been established that the stage dealing with the development of a model for managing processes for mine unprofitability reduction should involve consideration of 8-10 factorial features, which may determine the formation of economic potential, taking into account peculiarities of the remaining deposits and their quality, as the integral assessment of mine potential in terms of both state and non-state investments. The formulated objective means selection of the minimum number of factors, which would reflect in the most adequate way the internal potential of a mine expressed by economic added valueas a consequence of interaction of factors of coal mine economic activities in specific mining, geological, and technological conditions.

Originality of the research is in the fact that it is expedient to use an indicator of economic reliability, which synthesizes the capacity of links, economic level of technical and economic indicators, and the amount of remaining deposits, as a complex component of the level of an unprofitable mine. The mentioned indicators determine the residual life of the mine. Their physical content is not identical; and it is the fact that helps (in terms of their joint use) obtain more complete estimate than when using any single indicator.

Practical implications. Practical significance includes actual assessment of the state of Donbas coal enterprises and determination of marginal break-even indicators, which has made it possible to elaborate recommendations for attracting financial resources.

Keywords: coal mines, coal-mining region, break-even, modelling, diversification, potential, reserves




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