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                                                                                                                                        Ukr  Eng             Íàçàä




L.I. Stefanovich1*, E.P. Feldman1, O.Yu. Mazur1

1Institute for Physics of Mining Processes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine

*Corresponding author: e-mail: listef2591@gmail.com


Physical and technical problems of mining production, 2021, (23), 20-39.



full text (pdf)




Purpose. To analyze theoretically the effect of water vapor on the desorption of methane from the surface of open voids of a coal sample.

Methods. Using Langmuir's assumptions: the monomolecularity of adsorption and the constancy of the heat of adsorption, the equations for the monomolecular adsorption of a binary mixture of gases: methane and water vapor are derived by methods of statistical physics.

Findings. The dependences of the degree of coverage of the adsorption layer with methane and water molecules are obtained in a situation when the partial pressure of water vapor changes linearly in the chamber where the coal sample is placed. Within the framework of the quasi-static approximation, the kinetics of desorption of methane molecules from the adsorption layer and the adsorption of water molecules is traced, if the process of moistening the sample in time proceeds according to a linear law and when it is described by a smooth step function. The situation corresponding to the process of methane adsorption in dry coal and in samples with different degrees of natural moisture is analyzed theoretically. It is shown that with an increase in moisture content, the process of methane adsorption on the surface of open cracks and pores slows down, and the amount of adsorbed methane decreases significantly.

Originality. It is shown that the main reason for the desorption of methane from open cracks and pores in moistened coal is the competition for sites due to the presence of a limited number of active adsorption centers and the difference in the binding energies of methane and water molecules with the coal surface.

Practical implications. The studies carried out allow us to conclude that the procedure for their moistening can be successfully applied for degassing coal seams.

Keywords: open cracks and pores, degree of coverage, activation centers, desorption of methane, adsorption of water molecules, binding energy, competition for places, quasi-static approximation




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