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M.M. Kononenko1*, O.Ye. Khomenko1, Ye.O. Korobka2

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2PJSC “Zaporizskyi Iron-Ore Plant”, Dniprorudne, Ukraine

*Corresponding author: e-mail: kmn211179@gmail.com


Physical and technical problems of mining production, 2021, (23), 54-71.



full text (pdf)




Purpose. Development of a method for calculating the parameters of blasting works for mining, considering the physical and mechanical properties of rocks, energy characteristics of explosives (explosives), crack-mass of the massif and the action of rock pressure.

Methods. The paper uses a comprehensive methodological approach, which includes the development of methods for determining the parameters of the blasting works, considering the physical and mechanical properties of rocks and energy characteristics of explosives, fracture of the array and the action of rock pressure.

Findings. A new method of calculating the rational parameters of the blasting works during the preparatory workings was developed, which laid down the principle of placing groups of holes on the areas they occupy in the bottom of the workings and the location of holes on the jack contours.

Originality. The parameters of the location of boreholes in the bottom of the mine are realized according to the degree of change of the line of least resistance depending on the diameter of the borehole, physical and mechanical properties of the rock mass, energy characteristics of explosives and rock pressure.

Practical implications. The use of a new method of calculating the rational parameters of the blasting works for workings allows to save resources when performing tunneling work up to 18%.

Keywords: blast-hole, explosive, drilling and blasting works, intensive crushing zone, line of least strength




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