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S. P. Minieiev1*

1Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poljakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine

*Corresponding author: e-mail: sergmineev@gmail.com

Physical and technical problems of mining production, 2019, (21), 78-90.


full text (pdf)


Purpose. Analysis of known methods for eliminating some mine accidents associated with methane-air mixture explosions and fires to develop effective measures.

Methodology. It consists in the analysis of the experience and results of experiments in the elimination of methane-air mixture explosions and mine fires.

Results. The efficiency of air stream reversal during extinguishing a mine fire, including multiple reversal, is shown. It has been established that fire extinguishing operations can be considered completed when there is no carbon monoxide in concentrations higher than the permissible levels at the site of the fire and in adjacent workings, the normal ventilation mode in the mine is restored and the air temperature does not exceed it usual (background) indicators for these workings.

Practical significance. To effectively extinguish fires, it has been established that they carry out the opening of an isolated area for reconnaissance, reduce the isolated volume and other work carried out in accordance with the developed measures, excluding the penetration of fresh air into the isolated space, the development of heat and the possibility of new air gas explosion.

Keywords: liquidation, mine, accident, explosions, methane-air mixtures.



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Minieiev Sergii Pavlovych, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D. Sc.), Professor, Head of the Department of management of the dynamic manifestations of rock pressure, Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poljakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IGTM NASU), 2A Simferopolskaya Street, Dnipro, Ukraine 49600. E-mail: sergmineev@gmail.com










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