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Construction of a mathematical model of self-heating of a mining atmosphere containing methane

E.P. Feldman1*, N.O. Kalugina1, O.O. Vinnik1

1Branch for Physics of Mining Processes of the M.S. Poliakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine

*Corresponding author: edward.feldman.40@gmail.com


Physical and technical problems of mining production, 2022, (24), 7-14.



full text (pdf)




Purpose. Selection of parameters and construction of a mathematical model for studying the temperature regime in a mine working filled with methane-air mixture.

Methods. The methods of thermodynamics and chemical kinetics were used in the work.

Findings. As a result of the research, a mathematical model of the self-heating of a mine atmosphere containing methane was constructed, taking into account the evolution of its concentration in a mine working.

Originality. A physico-mathematical model has been built that makes it possible to investigate the dependence of temperature changes in a mine working on the chemical and kinetic parameters of the gases filling it, and also to take into account the interaction of the mine atmosphere with the walls of the working.

Practical implications. The results obtained can be useful for research on describing the temperature regime process in a mine working under appropriate external conditions and within a certain range of changes in the main thermophysical parameters of coals and rocks containing it, and can be used to predict fire hazard at great depths.

Keywords: mine atmosphere, self-heating, methane, fire




1. Pozhary v gornyh vyrabotkah. Izolcija avarijnyh uchastkov. (2021). Bulat A.F., Mineev S.P., Smolanov S.N., Belikov I.B. Har'kov, 730 s.

2. Shhetinkov E.S. (1965) Fizika gorenija gazov. M.: Nauka, 739 s.

3. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics/ D. R. Lide (Ed.). (2009). CRC Press; Taylor and Francis, (90th edition), 6-17.

4. Kuzin V.A. (2014). Kondicionirovanie rudnichnogo vozduha: ucheb. Posobie. V.A. Kuzin, S.A. Alekseenko, I.A. Shajhlislamova; pod obshh. red. V.A. Kuzina; M-vo obrazovanija i nauki Ukrainy, Gos.vysshee uchebnoe zavedenie «Nac. gornyj un-t», Dnepropetrovsk: NGU, 367 s.









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