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Branch for Physics of Mining Processes of the M.S. Poliakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics

of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

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Safety aspects of use of industrial wastes as backfilling materials for technogenic cavities

M.V. Petlovanyi1*, K.S. Sai1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

*Corresponding author: e-mail: petlovanyi.m.v@nmu.one


Physical and technical problems of mining production, 2023, (25), 126-140.



full text (pdf)




Purpose. Analysis and identification of the main aspects of the safety of using low-hazard industrial waste as filling materials for quarry voids to restore the level of the earth’s surface.

Methods. To achieve the set goals, an analysis and systematization of a number of legislative and regulatory acts on the management of industrial waste and their possible use for backfilling the mined-out space of inactive quarries was used; analysis of existing practical experience in the use of industrial waste for reclamation of produced quarry spaces in Ukraine.

Findings. The industrial waste with a high probability can be used as backfill materials if, in terms of toxicity and radioactivity, they are assigned to classes IV and I, which are equivalent to building materials and can be used to form a backfill mass in mined-out quarry spaces has been determined. There is effective and practical experience in backfilling the mined-out space of quarries with industrial waste has been established that. A scheme and sequence of experimental studies of the contact of backfill materials with the aquatic environment for dry and water-logged deposits, which makes it possible to assess the safety of their use is recommended.

Originality. The features and ways to determine the possibility of safe use of low-hazard industrial waste for backfilling mined-out quarry space are revealed and generalized.

Paratactical implication. The research results are valuable for stimulating the development of environmental programs of state and local importance to restore territories disturbed by mining operations and increase the volume of recycling of low-hazard industrial waste.

Keywords: quarry cavities, industrial waste, backfill mass, reclamation,
pollution, groundwater, insulation




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