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S.V. Tynyna1*

1Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Polyakov of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine

*Corresponding author: e-mail: haritonroots@gmail.com


Physical and technical problems of mining production, 2021, (23), 72-78.



full text (pdf)




Purpose. The development of the Donbass coal mining industry leads to the transition of mining operations to ever deeper horizons. Thus, the problem of developing methods for securing and maintaining mine workings in the deep mines of Donbass is becoming more and more urgent.

Methods. The analysis of changes in the state of the rock mass, which occurred when the equilibrium was disturbed and the transition into motion of the boundaries of zones of different deformation of rocks due to the stress gradient (the presence of voids between the anchorage and the rock mass), is presented. Mine instrumental observations have established that the formation of destruction zones near capital, preparatory and production workings is of a temporary nature, develops abruptly and occurs along cracks parallel to the inner surface of the workings.

Findings. The necessity of applying additional measures to increase the bearing capacity of the support has been substantiated.

Originality. It is shown that when there is an excess of energy, it is recognized on the basis of the array, as well as it is injected onto the surplus of the process.

Practical implications. Analysis of the kinetics of destroyed rocks near open surfaces showed that, taking into account the disturbance of the rock mass near them, in order to limit its development during the operation of workings, it is necessary to solve in a complex the issues of rational involvement in the work of fixing the zone of disturbed rocks around the workings.

Keywords: coal mining, mining, deep horizons, development of methods of fastening, support of mine workings, the state of the massif, zones of various deformation of rocks, stress gradient, fastening of the zone of disturbed rocks




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