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O.V. Inkin,

Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Institute for Physics of Mining Processes the National Academy Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail: inkin@ua.fm

Physical and technical problems of mining production, 2019, (21), 146-159.


full text (pdf)




Purpose. Zoning and mapping of the territory of Ukraine on the potential heat capacity of geothermal systems for heating buildings, which can be used by stakeholders to evaluate the profitability of their operation based on modern investment criteria.

Methods of the study includes economic and thermo-hydrodynamic calculations that allow estimating the potential heat capacity and net present value (NPV) of heat supply systems for buildings taking into account geological structure and hydrogeological conditions of Ukrainian territory. We assessed the efficiency of using a geo-circulation system (GCS) that comprises pumping out water to the ground surface, extracting heat, and re-injecting cooled water into the reservoir.

Findings. The characteristics of aquifers located within Transcarpathian trough, Volyn-Podolsky plate, and the Dnieper-Donets and Black Sea basins with heightened values of geothermal gradient as the most promising for thermal water exploration have been identified. Particularly, we evaluated the range of feasible exploration depths and expected discharge that were used for creation of the maps of potential GCS heat capacity for Ukrainian territory.

Originality. Based on heat capacity we made an economic assessment of the profitability of GCS operation using the parameter of NPV as the main criterion. The GCS use enables increasing the role of geothermal resources in the energy balance of some regions, since these systems enable extracting heat from heated water-bearing rocks.

Practical implications. The created maps allow identifying the most promising sites for investors in terms of geotechnical and hydrogeological feasibility for location of geothermal systems. The maximum GCS efficiency is expected for the north Crimea and Black Sea coastal area (20-30 Gcal/day at a depth of 1.5 km and flow rate of 500 m3/day and 120-180 Gcal/day at a depth of 3 km and flow rate of 1500 m3/day). The parameter of NPV reaches positive values of 0.5-1 Mio € even in the areas with average heat flux of about  60 mW/m2 and well flow rate of 200 m3/day.

Keywords: thermal waters; geo-circulation system; heat capacity; net present value; mapping.




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Inkin Oleksandr, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor of Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering geology Dnipro University of Technology, 19 av. Dmytra Yavornytskoho, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49005. Institute of Physics of the Mining Processes of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2A Simferopolskaya Street, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49005. E-mail: inkin@ua.fm.












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