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                                                                                                                                        Ukr  Eng             Íàçàä



Evelopment of recommendations for adjustment of regulatory documents on air-gas control at Ukraine coal enterprises

Minieiev S.P.1, Smirnov A.M.1, Yanzhulà Î. S.2, Makarenko R.V.3

1Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named of the M.S. Polyakov of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine

2Coal Directorate of JV "METINVEST HOLDING" LLC, Pokrovsk, Ukraine

3Mine Management Heroes of Space PJSC "DTEK PAVLOGRADVUGIL", Pavlograd, Ukraine


Physical and technical problems of mining production, 2022, (24), 41-52.



full text (pdf)




Purpose. The article considers the issue of improving the regulatory framework of Ukraine for air-gas control (AGC) at coal enterprises. Based on the long-term examination of AGC projects of many coal enterprises of Ukraine, which is in the IGTM of NAS of Ukraine, analyzed some shortcomings and ways to adjust regulations that determine the quality of projects of AGC systems and the level of operation of these systems in real coal mine.

The purpose of the article is to substantiate and develop proposals for the adjustment of regulatory documents regarding air and gas control (AGC) at coal enterprises of Ukraine.

It is noted that the normative Instructions should take into account the means of continuous automatic measurement of dust concentration in mine air for sanitary and hygienic control, technological control of mine atmosphere and reduction of dust and explosion hazard, which should be part of the AGC system. It is also necessary to indicate the location of the dust control sensors and to which maximum concentration limits these sensors are set.

The instructions should include standards to ensure that the AGC system continuously monitors the concentration of carbon monoxide in the mine air in order to detect signs of underground fires and their early (initial) stages. Also, mines of all categories must be equipped with stationary sensors of hydrogen and oxygen, and mines that are dangerous for the release of carbon dioxide - stationary sensors of carbon dioxide. If necessary, the AGC system should measure (control) the concentration of hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen oxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and other hazardous and harmful gases.

The article, in addition to the existing Instructions, specifies the locations of stationary sensors for monitoring the concentration of methane in gas mines, as well as sensors for monitoring the speed and direction of air (air flow).

Given these shortcomings, the emergence of new means of control, processing, analysis and storage of data, new software, as well as new requests to improve occupational safety in mines, there is a need to create a new specialized regulatory document for design and operation AGC systems at coal enterprises of Ukraine.

Keywords: coal mine, air-gas control, regulatory documents, methane, sensor




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